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Credit: Warner Bros. Movie World & Parkz

DC Rivals HyperCoaster Reopens Early from Maintenance Closure

DC Rivals HyperCoaster has reopened today, 18th of May, ahead of schedule. This unexpected reopening comes as Superman Escape, the park's classic INTAMIN hydraulic launch coaster, faces significant issues with its hydraulic launch system.

The hydraulic launch system used in INTAMIN rides like Superman Escape relies on hydraulic fluid to power a series of pistons and motors. This system rapidly accelerates the coaster from a standstill to high speeds in seconds, providing the exhilarating launch experience that Superman Escape offers.

Read more about Superman Escape

Earlier this week, it was announced that Superman Escape would be down for a minimum of six weeks. The reopening of DC Rivals HyperCoaster is aimed at mitigating the impact of this closure.

As we reported in late April, DC Rivals HyperCoaster was initially scheduled to be closed for maintenance from April 27th to June 21st, 2024. However, it has reopened less than a month after its closure.

Several users on the Parkz Forum have highlighted the park's ability to perform quick maintenance:

"This sudden reopening of DC Rivals just proves that Movie World is capable of quick maintenance times. If it reopens in the coming days it would be one of the quickest annual maintenance periods ever? If it opens before the 27th of May it won’t even have been closed for a month." - Parkz Forum

We share this sentiment. The rapid reopening of DC Rivals HyperCoaster raises questions about the necessity of lengthy maintenance closures. If Movie World can reopen a ride in less than a month, are all these extended closures truly required?

