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Movie World For All

Clare Around the Park

Hi all! Just a quick intro before we get started with my article! My name’s Clare, I’m a devoted Movie World fan who regularly visits the park and enjoys taking photos and videos highlighting the park and all the fun memories I’ve made there. I run a Facebook group for fans of Movie World, along with the other VRTP theme parks and associated properties.

Credit: Clare
Credit: Clare

I hope you enjoy the article as much as I have enjoyed writing it and shining the spotlight on this amazing subject I’m about to discuss!

Movie World is absolutely amazing at helping people on the autism spectrum, as well as a wide variety of different physical or mental handicaps, with making them feel comfortable and confident and safe to enjoy their day, a quick visit to Movie World guest services can make your day at the park soo much easier!

To further highlight this information I’ll be Speaking from my own personal experience.

Characters & Staff

Credit: Clare

Credit: Clare

Firstly the characters and staff are amazing with me and give me time to talk before responding, the characters are so sweet with me and there’s been heaps of special moments that I will NEVER Forget!

Any issues I’ve had are sorted out very quickly and efficiently, a few unforgettable friendships have even been made between myself and the team at Movie World which honestly means so very much to me

Areas in the Parks

Other people with Autism will likely benefit from the fact that there are various areas of the park which are substantially less noisy than others which provides for a good little quiet space to calm down if the noise gets too much for an autistic person.

There’s practically no need to worry about overexposure to food smells which can trigger a reaction from some people on autism spectrum.

More information about what rides and attractions or shows which maybe too loud or bright can be found on Movie World's website too which is fantastic!

Other Disabilities

Other physical handicaps are catered for too, with most areas of the park being wheelchair accessible and there’s even a specially designed bathroom built for people with more complex handicaps who may need extra help by support workers to use bathroom facilities, it’s even equipped with a shower for those messy toilet emergencies which is not very often mentioned but greatly appreciated by those who I have seen or heard about when they’ve utilised the facilities.

I’ve even noticed that more staff are learning Auslan Sign Language which is fantastic!!

There’s even staff who work at the parks with handicaps, which I absolutely admire and appreciate them so much for! The fact they don’t let their handicaps stop them is truly remarkable and such a testament to how amazing they are and how important the subject of this article is, to spread awareness to people who may not yet know the fantastic ways Movie World can help people and how hard they work to make a difference!

It truly makes me so happy that Movie World is becoming more and more accessible for people who have autism and other disabilities so thank you Movie World staff for being so supportive and helpful to people like myself, and keep up the good work!

Thank you for taking time to read this article!

